A modern electric drive system consists of a motor, an electric converter, and a controller that are integrated to perform a mechanical maneuver for a given load. This course covers the basic theory of control of the DC motor, the induction motor and the synchronous motor. Additionally, the course expands on the analysis and study of the synchronous generators. Power electronic converters are discussed in some detail and their performances and applications with different motors are studied. This course is designed for engineers intending to work in any area of engineering where electrical motors and machinery are operated, maintained or specified. This course is an elective 3-credit course intended for students in the third year of the B. Sc. Degree programme in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The course comprises of 30 one-hour lectures and 6 hours of tutorials. Great emphasis will be placed on problem solving and students are strongly advised to budget adequate time for this activity, throughout the semester.

Course Code: 
 Level 3
 3 Credits
 Semester 2